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Bridging Finance for Cash Flow Assistance and Raising Capital

Many small to medium companies are in a temporary position where they need some cash-flow assistance for a short period in order to purchase stock or for any other reason. Many new businesses find it difficult trying to obtain a factoring (Invoice finance) facility from their bank due to their inability to produce accounts and references or they trade in a high risk sector. Also by the time a facility is obtained from the high street bank, in many cases they are too late for the deal or in a worst scenario facing bankruptcy.

Bridging finance is not just for property related transactions as it can help many companies with their cash-flow problems. By taking a first charge on their business premises, it gives them the ability to obtain finance very quickly when it comes to helping their cash-flow. By using bridging finance the company will not be involved with the red-tape of going to their high street bank. This is ideal as they require the facility for a short period only.

Bridging Finance Loans to Raise Capital

Bridging finance can be ideal in raising quick finance for your business. Raising capital could be required to enable you to complete a business transaction, meet payment deadlines, or for new acquisition. A bridging loan may help to avoid major additional costs incurred by delayed payments, or facilitate a valuable business deal which would otherwise be missed.


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